Some folders not listed

I am using Firefox with Windows 10. When I access My Cloud remotely via, only 30 of my file folders are listed. The rest of the folders still exist; MyCloud says so when I try to create a new folder with the same name as an unlisted one. Using the MyCloud refresh icon does not solve the problem. How do I get all of my folders to appear in the list?

Tried different browser?

Use a web browser other than Chrome. It is a common complaint that has been discussed in may past threads that can be found using the forum search feature, magnifying glass icon upper right.

Here is one recent past discussion:

I’m not using Chrome. As stated in my question, I’m using Firefox. It worked fine in Windows 7, but I have this problem in Windows 10. The person to whom you linked me solved the problem by using Firefox. My problem is IN Firefox. I don’t know what other browser to try. Can’t use Edge, people have had problems with IE, and this suggestion to not use Chrome. Nothing much remains.

It turns out that on my particular Windows 10 system, I can view all my folders using Internet Explorer. With Firefox, only the first 30 folders appear.