Share files with others on My Passport Wireless Pro

I’ve just got my new My Passport Wireless Pro.
In the menu there is an option “Shared with others” and “Shared with me”.
I don’t understand how to set rights on files to share with others or me.

I hope someone can help me understand this.

With regards,
Gerard van Hulzen

Hey Gerard_van_Hulzen,

Are you able to post a screenshot of those options here, so we users can have a better idea ?

You can share the files with other users by sending them a link via e-mail.The KB article below should provide more detail:

How to access and share files using
Support Login

Hi TheSAUL64, there’s the next problem. When I click on the button “Don’t have a My Cloud of your own? Get yours now” I get redirected to Externe harddrive en interne harddrives van WD | Western Digital
Next I click on “My account”. But I can’t register with a new account. Just login.

Are you new to WD Store? If you don’t have an account, there will one be created at your first buy of a WD-product.

I’m invited to test one of the new WD products and did not purchase a WD product. So there is also not created an account for me to login an use My Cloud.

This is gonna be in my testreport, hahaha.

Here is the setup page.