I’ve just got my new My Passport Wireless Pro.
In the menu there is an option “Shared with others” and “Shared with me”.
I don’t understand how to set rights on files to share with others or me.
I hope someone can help me understand this.
With regards,
Gerard van Hulzen
Hey Gerard_van_Hulzen,
Are you able to post a screenshot of those options here, so we users can have a better idea ?
You can share the files with other users by sending them a link via e-mail.The KB article below should provide more detail:
How to access and share files using MyCloud.com
Support Login
Hi TheSAUL64, there’s the next problem. When I click on the button “Don’t have a My Cloud of your own? Get yours now” I get redirected to Externe harddrive en interne harddrives van WD | Western Digital
Next I click on “My account”. But I can’t register with a new account. Just login.
Are you new to WD Store? If you don’t have an account, there will one be created at your first buy of a WD-product.
I’m invited to test one of the new WD products and did not purchase a WD product. So there is also not created an account for me to login an use My Cloud.
This is gonna be in my testreport, hahaha.