Semi-advanced [Guide] to getting a running start setting up My Cloud device

alirz1 wrote:

Im running FW 3.x.

I have two 3TB wd cloud drives.I easily get consistent 58MB write and over 65MB+ read over SMB.

I tried NFS today and i got 18MB.sec… Funny how its the opposite for me.


By the way how is anyone mapping a NFS drive in windows, if at all. im guessing most that use NFS are doing it from a linux machine.

Looks like you have to install NFS client but conflicting reports that only Ultimate Edition/Enterprise Edition work.  Seems like all should be able to do it as I believe technet over the other sites.  Seems command line, batch file (running the command line), or just mapping the network drive all work.

Yes, I’m using linux.  Could be a kernel or SAMBA bug.  Like I said, NFS maxes out the gigabit connection and that is beyond my expectations for this device.  I can’t even find reviews that hit these speeds.  I do think there may be validity to the claims that WD puts/has put different drives in these i.e. GREEN vs RED.