I moved some of my files around and changed some folder names on MyCloud. The result is the entire 1.5TB was considered new data. I Started the Update of the safepoint at around 9:30 PM on Sunday.
Forty hours later it is only at 980GB of 1.5TB. This can’t be right! Both devices are USB 3.0 with a proper cable. (WD MyCloud to WD MyBook)
Do I have any options that don’t involve a PC to manage the backup? Maybe some other software or bat file that will run on the cloud that doesn’t take so long?
Some advanced Users have added RSync functionality via SSH. This would allow for the unit to handle the process internally without a PC host.
Safepoint is a process that runs entirely on the Linux machine in the My Cloud. It does not require a PC host. It sends the data to whatever target you specify when the Safepioint was set up (which could be shared folder on a Windows PC, another My CLoud or an exrternal USB drive connected to the rear USB 3.0 port).