Rsync from My Cloud v04 to attached usb storage

As Automatic Safepoint don’t work for me, I’ve made my own backup system. For the last 2 years I have mirrored user data on My Cloud directly to a My Passport Ultra usb drive.

A crontab entry starts the script file /usr/local/bin/myBackup every morning at 5 o’clock. Rsync is set up to mirror user content on /DataVolume/shares/. When rsync is finished an email is sent (by sendEmail) to me. This email shows me the rsync exit values for each share, so I can see if something went wrong.

Also the last update of the history file and it’s content is shown so I can see if someone has been tampering My Cloud via SSH.

However, there is one small irritating issue. Sometimes I receive rsync exit values different from 0 (meaning something went wrong). This happens maybe 2-3 times in a month.

I have searched WD Forums a lot, and these two threads describe this problem in more details:

I wonder, how can the timeout value of 30 seconds in usb_backup program be changed to a higher value?

Hi BeKn2,

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this.

To Contact WD for Technical Support
The link below will allow you to call support.

Hi dswv42.

Thank you for professional information, I appreciate it a lot.

I have a My Cloud v04.05.00-320 and after a closer look there seems to be no usb_backup file on it. On my device, file is not in /usr/sbin/ and not in /usr/local/modules/usrbin/ directory. I also tried:

find / -name usb_backup -print

that search from root and downwards thru the hole file structure. It took about 5 minutes, but file was not found.
If anyone have some hints I would be grateful, else I may contact WD support.

Hi BeKn2,
I am trying to do exactly what you’re describing on my EX4 - would you so kind and share the details, maybe scripts I could adapt? That would be awesome!

The My Cloud Mirror firmware is DIFFERENT than the first gen single bay My Cloud firmware. As such files present within the Mirror firmware are not going to be found within the v4.x single bay My Cloud firmware. I believe the My Cloud Mirror like other v2.x My Cloud models use a form of Busy Box (Linux) where as the v4.x single bay My Cloud uses Debian Linux. And no, one cannot update a first gen single bay My Cloud to use the second gen v2.x single bay My Cloud firmware.

Yes I know. The reason I was searching after /usr/sbin/ was that dswv42 had a solution to the problem, but we later found out that he/she use the second gen v2.x, so the post was deleted.

I have translated my script to English and changed it so it is more anonymous. Before you implement it:

  1. It is made for use with My Cloud v04.05.00-320 and an USB attached to it
  2. WD Warranty may be voided if something goes wrong when using SSH
  3. You must have root access to your device terminal
  4. Several lines must be changed to adapt it to other devices, see comments in script file
# Mirror files on My Cloud v.04 to attached USB drive
#   Version : 2.0
#   Date : 20170815
#   Script help:
#   Experimental settings:
#    1. Sleep is used to give Linux time to allow the 
#       shell to not conflict executing commands.
#    2. --bwlimit=1000 parameter to rsync
# -------------------------------------------------------------

#*** Function definition - start ******************************

# 3 parameters are passed:
#   $1: rsync log-file
#   $2: rsync SRC
#   $3: rsync DEST
Rsync_and_set_email_msg_lines () {
   sleep 9
   rsync -a --delete --bwlimit=1000 --log-file="$1" "$2" "$3"
   if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]
       msgLn=$2" Rsync exit value is "$?". Ok."
     msgLn=$2" Rsync exit value is "$?". Error, check logfiles."
return $TRUE

# *** Batch script - Start  ************************************
startTime=$(date +"%T")
nasDate=$(date +"%Y%m%d")

# Warning: Mirroring catalog in Bob must exsist!
# Check SSH history to detect hacker attack - copy history file 
# to user Bob
cp ~/.bash_history $sshLogfile
chmod 644 $sshLogfile

# Find last update of history file
sshLastUse=$(stat -c "%Y"  ~/.bash_history)
sshReadableDate=$(date -d @$sshLastUse)


# Warning: Mirroring catalogs in shares must exsist!


# Warning: dest1-dest3 catalogs must exsist on usb device!
dest4="/DataVolume/shares/Bob/Mirroring/Linux rsync"

Rsync_and_set_email_msg_lines "$logFileBob" "$src4" "$dest4"
Rsync_and_set_email_msg_lines "$logFileBob" "$src1" "$dest1"
Rsync_and_set_email_msg_lines "$logFileAlice" "$src2" "$dest2"
Rsync_and_set_email_msg_lines "$logFileBob" "$src3" "$dest3"

# Send email using sendEmail -
if [ "$errorFlag" = true ]
     subject="My Cloud Mirroring - Error detected."
     message="Something is wrong, check logfiles.\n\n"$message1"\n"$message2"\n"$message3"\n"$message4
     subject="My Cloud Mirroring is ok."
     message="Everything is ok.\n\n"$message1"\n"$message2"\n"$message3"\n"$message4

msgHeader="Hi..\n\nStarttime: "$startTime". Internal mirroring of M31 to "$usbDevice".\n\nResult: "
msgFooter="Rsync exit values, see:\n\n"
msgFooter="$msgFooter""Logfile "$myLogFile" is stored\n"
msgFooter="$msgFooter""in catalog Mirroring for user Bob og Alice.\n\nLast update of history-file: ""$sshReadableDate""\n\nFrom\nMy Cloud "

# Warning: Following settings must be adjusted to individual values:
username="My Cloud"

sleep 9
/usr/local/bin/sendEmail -f "$fromAdress" -t "$toAdress" -u "$subject" -m "$message" -s "$serverOut" -xu "$username" -xp "$password" -a "$sshLogfile"

Thank you very much for that!