Hello everyone,
What is the best method to control my WD TV Live? The remote that comes with the unit is very cumbersome, really unusable. I have been using the WD Remote app. On my IPad but since the latest FW upgrade the on screen keyboard has quit working. You push the icon for the keyboard and nothing happens, push it again and the app closes.
I am new here so forgive me if this has already Ben discussed.
Not speaking from personal experience … but i know from posts, some people use Harmony Remote Controls $$$
The Harmony is great, and I have one. Just the cheap one without a screen on it, and it’s still better because you can just plug it into a PC and program everything (it also has a learning capability by placing remotes end to end and reading the signals from your original).
But I don’t believe they will help the problems you are having. If they are what I have, they aren’t on the actual remote. They happen equally to me with ANY IR remote. The slow responses are coming from the main WD unit itself. I believe they’re part of the same whole set of problems people are reporting with the recent firmware, although I’ve seen slowdowns processing the remote button presses to a lesser extent with plenty of earlier firmwares as well (just not as bad).
The best solution is probably to rollback your firmware, but as I said, I don’t think that will 100% solve the issue. It seems to be a less than optimal piece of coding on the unit, whatever controls the IR signal input I mean.
If you are now also having problems with the IP based Remote App, that’s new to me. I don’t much like that app, but HAVE relied on it when my WD stops processing my button presses mid-viewing and I don’t want to simply pull the **bleep** plug out of the back of the WD.
If you have an Android device around (maybe on a phone if your tablet is Apple?) have you tried that? Is it doing the same?
Here’s the links for the Android versions (Android Market and Amazon)
Android: Official (made by WD) Remote Program - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wdc.wdremote&hl=en
Android - Amazon Appstore (for Kindle Fires) - Offical WD Remote Program - http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-WD-TV-Remote/dp/B006R6M7VG
Also, here’s a backup plan - the WDIxTV Remote app - an older Android App that still works (it’s simpler than the WD app)
Android: WDIxTV – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.osdmod.remote&hl=en
I see some chatter via a websearch that there may have been an iOS version of the WDIxTV program at some point, but don’t know if it’s in the actual iTunes store (Apple kicks stuff out a lot, right?)