Question on Formatting My Passport

Hi everyone,

I have a quick question about formatting my new 4TB My Passport, but first a bit of background.
I created a 7zip archive of all the visible non-hidden files on the drive, and copied this to my PC. I did install WD Discovery and Drive Utilities. If it matters, I am running Windows 7 Professional.

And now for my question: If I format the My Passport as NTFS, and then copy those original files back on to the My Passport, will Windows recognize/treat the drive differently _post-_formatting than it did out of the box?

In other words, will formatting it mess up or change how Windows Explorer, WD Discovery, or WD Utilities sees the drive?


No, It should be the same. Most of the WD Passport comes already formatted as NTFS and they work the same way.

Thank you very much. I was a trifle worried, but your answer lifted those concerns. :slight_smile: