Possibility to exclude camera folder in auto safe on phone

Hi there folks,

I searched for it, but maybe wrong or not intense enough. So sorry in advance if I would have been able to find a solution myself.
Anyways, I wasn’t able to get an answer to this question: Is there a suitable way to exclude the main camera folder on my smartphone in the WD MyCloud application for autosafe?

My reason for this concern is, that I am forced (by work) to make pictures of various uninteresting things and use them short-term (e.g. in emails). I delete them afterwards but during this short time period the pictures are already safed in the cloud but are then not deleted in the cloud when they are deleted locally on the smartphone itself. The deletion has to be done manually in the cloud afterwards.

I created a “Backup” folder on my phone that I included in WDs autosafe (besides the main camera folder that can’t be unselected). I select and move all other photos (Snapchat, screenshots, Whatsapp, etc.) that I want to be stored in the cloud to that backup folder. My wish is that a backup is made only for this specific folder excluding the main camera folder.

My idea to let the camera application store it’s taken photos to a different folder path is not working, since I can’t change the storage path of it.

Thank y’all in advance for any reply and/or idea regarding this issue.

I am using an Android device (Poco X3 Pro) running Android 12.


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