Please Help -WD 1TB My Book Says Full but Shows Only Half Full

I have a WD My Book 1TB that I have had for a number of years.  It is connect via USB to a PC running Win XP.  This device is never removed and I only use it to backup all files.  The other day I went to copy a 10 Gb file to it and I received a message saying that the drive was full. I checked the drive and it is showing 562 GB free.  I have rebooted the workstation and powered off the drive but I still receive this error.  

I downloaded WD Link but it only shows network drives with an IP.  I was going to try HDD Capsity Restore but it only show internal drives.  PLEASE HELP!!

Hello, have you tried connecting the my book to another PC to see if the same thing happens. You can also run test with DLG, check the link below.,194/session/L3RpbWUvMTM1MTk3NDM3Ny9zaWQvNXdpWC1tYWw%3D

Yes. I tried it on another PC and received the same error. I will try the link you posted later.

I ran the diagnostic utility and everything passed.  I am at a loss.  I have opened a ticket with WD support but I have already done everything that they have suggested.  I have a feeling that the next step is to reformat the drive.  I hope now though.