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I have a WD My Book 1TB that I have had for a number of years. It is connect via USB to a PC running Win XP. This device is never removed and I only use it to backup all files. The other day I went to copy a 10 Gb file to it and I received a message saying that the drive was full. I checked the drive and it is showing 562 GB free. I have rebooted the workstation and powered off the drive but I still receive this error.
I downloaded WD Link but it only shows network drives with an IP. I was going to try HDD Capsity Restore but it only show internal drives. PLEASE HELP!!
I ran the diagnostic utility and everything passed. I am at a loss. I have opened a ticket with WD support but I have already done everything that they have suggested. I have a feeling that the next step is to reformat the drive. I hope now though.