PC recognized ExHard drive. But it doesnt show up in My computer

Hello everyone, 

   This problem orrcured to me yesterday and i’ve been trying various ways to solve it but none work thus far. 

    I have a 2TB WD My Book 1140. The computer regconized the device it but it doesnt show up as

   a drive in “My computer” for me to acess. 

My book show up in Devices and Hardware


But it doesnt show up in My computer 


I check devices manager to make sure all ports have been accepted 


then I went to storage to see if the drive is in there. It was, And computer tells me It needs to be initialize to run 

I hit on the initilize button and this I/0 error came up. 


I’ve try replug the hard drive. uninstall the drivers and reinstall

I’ve try running the command shkrfl f/ r/ some thing like that but it didnt fix the problem either. 

I hope someone could help me with this problems. I dont want to lose the data in this drives for i really need them. 



I/O error usually means the drive is defective. But before jumping to any conclusions I recommend that you try another USB cable and another computer.


  I’m afraid the drive itself is malfuntioned. I tried using other cable from WD drives but the result stayed the same.


 So I guess my next question is:  will I be able to recover the data inside the drive if I send it back to the factory and ask      them for help? or they wont be able to fix it and send me a replacement. 

 If you know other way to recover the data inside this External HD then please let me know. I really really dont want to lost the date inside this drive.

   many thanks. 


Please check the link below for data recovery information.

Information about Data Recovery.