I have a PR4100 as my main and an EX4 as a backup. Both are running 24TB in Harddrives (4x6tb) in RAID 5 arrays.
Every night, the two NAS arrays synchronise with a daily sync job from the PR4100 to the EX4. Data was backed up completely before my OS5 upgrade. After updating to OS5 on the PR4100, last night’s backup job was taking ages (even currently it’s only a short way through - usually finishes in about an hour. Starts at 4am, although I started it manually at about 11pm last night. It’s still running now at 7:20 and only a few % through. Yes, the EX4 target is a bit of a tortoise)
I’ve also noticed that the used space is actually HIGHER on the backup target than on the source.
How can the backup be LARGER than the data it’s backing up? I’ve tried to SSH into the Target NAS and see if OS5 was creating a different folder structure or something and couldn’t see anything.
What’s going on? (EX4 still running OS 3 obviously, PR4100 (the source) is running OS 5)
@OzzyBlaze My Cloud OS 5 is not backward compatible with My Cloud OS 3 devices. This also include Remote Backup app as well. Only Remote Backup from My Cloud OS 5 to My Cloud OS 5 is supported.
@OzzyBlaze this article will help with your EX4100 which included Remote Backups.
The thumbnailing and indexing of backup content is CPU and Memory intensive.
If you are using the EX4100, you’ll need to create a Backup Share. By default, the user created share will be indexed and thumbnails generated for remote web and mobile access which will in turn make the backup job slower due to the extra disk I/O, CPU and memory used. The article explains how to turn off remote access at the Share level or on the entire device if only used as a backup target.
This article has not been updated for OS 5 (Share Level Indexing Option)