OK nightmare is back

On Win 7 no service pack WD 4 TB ext usb: (please see earlier “moocha” posts if you need more info.)

       Do i have to take Hard Drive back to store or is there a link where I can go where my disk can be restored?  PS Support contacted me via email before this prob and did not indicate any prob with partitioning this drive.


      What should have been said is do not create a single volume in windows management and just format and partition because now I have two areas that cannot be connected: one 2048 and the other 1678. Dead in the water. The 1678 one cannot even be used. Format style choice was not presented as I couldn’t get that far. (excuse me, when I was given the choice to format that one 2TB partition it only gave me fat or ntfs to select from…

      When I selected my WD 4 tb HD in in windows disk management, it didn’t give me a “delete partiton” choice, so this is not normal- just a “create a simple volume” was available- you have to get rid of or “unallocate” space of that single WD partiton before you can repartiton it. You don’t have to format to partiton…As I said this happened on a previous 3 TB WD I had and I took it back…thought maybe things had changed.


     Again this is like having 2 hd in one…one will format and be recognized (2 TB) the other cannot be recognized. All i did was go to win management and selected “created a simple volume” and the rest is history. I’ve emailed support…


Welcome to the Community.

Are you unable to merge the unallocated space even if you completely write zeros to the hard drive and initialize it as GPT as opposed to MBR?

You can write zeros using WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostics for Windows:


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Sounds like that may take a long time?  Thanks very much your info sounds good.  But the software is gone on the HD.  I’ll see if it’s available somewhere or just take it back to the store and start again…that’s what support told me to do…then they emailed again and ask  me to leave my # to speak to me on phone but I don’t leave phone on much.

Edit-OK found the software and now I’ll try it


OK that brought it back to merged unallocated with the only choice in windows management “New simple volume”…that will divide drive again so I will have to find something outside of windows management to partition…and yes I formatted in right style.  I did a quick zero drive (4 min).

OK I don’t see WD offering any special partion software etc…  I don’t see how to just go back to original alocated single partiton without dividing drive again…I’ll be looking around unless you can help from here. Yes its a single drive or volume but unallocated.


OK I’ve got all the wd software and the only thng it allows is to errase…i did this and volla…I now had a choice to “delete partiton”  but that took me back to a divided drive again.  So I’ll zero in again(quick zero) and see what’s next.

OK well at least I have as original (single partition) after errase  and I can work with that…but i’d like to create 3 partions on this dirve…I don’t think you can have more than one partiton?  Right?