One more time-OK now I remember

Please see previous post  “4 TB my book can I partiton”?  On win 7 64 bit but all 32 bit apps

I bought WD 3tb “my book” some time ago , tried to reformat and repartition and lost 1 gb of recognition…this seemed precarious even if I could correct it- so I brought it back. The salesman of my current 4 tb my book agreed that I should not take off the software or partition. Is this right? …it’s OK , I just want to get to work and can accept that, as I got a great deal on the drive.Are there probs if you mess with this drive? Thanks. Moocha

You didn’t mention which OS you were using or how you formatted. XP 32 bit generally don’t handle drives larger than 2 T. Drives larger than 2T need to use GPT instead of MRB when formatting. I think the WD format tool does have an option to make the drives over 2T usable on XP.


Hey Joe, I think I mentioned Windows 7 on the previous and first thread (install of 4tb drive).  So Joe I can’t use windows management for format and should use WD provided software for GPT formatting?  Then every thing will be OK and then I can partiton with windows disk manager?


 PS- I have other my book 1s and 2s and they are great with no ;probs

I believe that WD format tool should take care of the problem.


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Boy I sure hope so…thanks alot Joe