No YouTube after latest firmware update

I’m one of the lucky ones who’s WDTV Live survived the latest firmware update.  So I’m running 1.01.12 and all seems well until I try to play a YouTube video.

I log in ok to YouTube, can see the movie thumb, search is good but when I try to play a video I get an error message that tells me the video can’t be played and that my WDTV Live needs a firmware upgrade to play them.

What is up with that??  I’m running the latest firmware.  It also worked fine using the old firmware.

I see by looking through the threads that some have experienced crashing when trying to play them but mine isn’t crashing.  

Anyone else seeing this behavior?  I’m sure the programmers at WD are busy cleaning up the fallout from the last firmware fiasco but I would hope they get on this soon.  It is a highly advertised “feature” of the WDTV Live.  Printed right on the box.


i’m having the same problem!  I can log into YouTube easily enough ,but once I play a video…it reboots.

I have the same issue with 1.01.10 and with 1.01.11.

It won’t log in to my account. I have 10Mbps internet connection, so the speed is not an issue.

YouTube videos open up after I reboot and try to view the videos and then go back to the starting screen and try again.

I hope the developing team can reproduce this issue. I also hope to receive a solution in a month or I will swap my unit to a new one. I have my warranty left.