The dashboard on my 2TB My Book Live used to show when the last successful backups of the two Windows machines on my network completed. Now, with the most current firmware (MyBookLive 02.32.05-144 : Core F/W), I don’t see the backup statuses anywhere.
WD Smartware also doesn’t report when the two machines were last successfully backed up.
I think the backups are working, but I’d like to be able to check. Has this functionality been removed?
I have the same problem… Just updated firmware to 02.32.05-046 and no longer see the Backups link on the Dashboard. Where can I find out when the last time a computer in the network backed up?
Same problem for me since the firmware upgrade. Seems to me that backup status is a pretty important item to leave out. Are we supposed to trust that My Book Live or Smartware will advise us if it can’t perform backup?
Hopefully, some WD techs monitor this forum and will provide guidance…