No local access

Hi, I applied the fix to gain local access on my widows pc and everything went well and worked for a few days.Now I am presented with this screen when trying to gain access

If I refresh or or press back I I get to the login

but when I try to log in ( local too ) I get

and then it takes be back to the fist screen (where you download the app), I seem to be stuck in a loop. Any ideas anyone.

Hi, @Phill1:

It seems that your MCH has lost its owner data, perhaps due to a factory reset.
I think in this situation you will have to wait for wd to progress on the solution.

Thank you for the reply. We did have a couple of power outages during the night due to a storm, could that have caused it di you think? also I have just noticed that I have a slowly pulsing light on MCH.