Recently purchased MyCloudEX2Ultra 4TB to transfer TB music files from 2019 iMac. Better to use MyCloud iTunes server OR just move library to MyCloud? What is the upside/downside of iTunes server app vs. sitting on MyCloud root?
I use a PC for iTunes and as long as the NAS can be mounted it seems to be ok. Not seen many with Macs and NAS to see how well its supported.
I have an Apple TV 4K so I use iTunes to supply content to the TV that way.
Honestly, I am not clear on what exactly itunes server does. . . .it seems to allow some device that runs iTunes, but has no memory to use the media files??? I am not even sure what devices fit that description.
The way I have addressed this in the past is to simply use a PC- - -and reference a media library stored on the NAS. TBH. . . once I am referencing media like that, I simply use use windows media player to access the files and not itunes. I don’t know what equipment you have, but my home theater can stream music from my PC. (To be totally honest, I have an old iPod touch that does the streaming. . .all the music is on there. . . .)(For video, I use Plex - - > The NAS is the server, and I have a Roku stick as the client)
I guess you could run windows with iTunes as a VM on some some server which would handle the problem
Vegan/NAS_user - thanks for the response…I have an iMac from which I am currently running iTunes…however…SONOS has difficulty - at times - reading the iTunes files; the solution I embraced is to move the entire iTunes folder to the MyCloudEX to use as an NAS bypassing the iMac…since an iTunes server is “included” in the available options, my question somewhat echos what NAS_user has posed…what is its purpose? it sounds as if both of you are using the MyCloudEX “root” directory vs. a different format - like iTunes or Plex…on a Windows platform…not sure if platform is key or critical as they should be agnostic to the NAS and what is read…
Any other comments are welcome…AND…thanks for the very prompt response and excuse my tardy response to other of you!
Vegan/NAS_user - thanks for the response…I have an iMac from which I am currently running iTunes…however…SONOS has difficulty - at times - reading the iTunes files; the solution I embraced is to move the entire iTunes folder to the MyCloudEX to use as an NAS bypassing the iMac…since an iTunes server is “included” in the available options, my question somewhat echos what NAS_user has posed…what is its purpose? it sounds as if both of you are using the MyCloudEX “root” directory vs. a different format - like iTunes or Plex…on a Windows platform…not sure if platform is key or critical as they should be agnostic to the NAS and what is read…
Some NAS boxes use Plex server and Plex is available on Apple TV etc