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Can someone tell me what the iTunes Server feature of the MyCloud NAS is supposed to do?
I thought it would let me find my iTunes library from my Apple TV but it does not seem to do that. I thought that home sharing would see the iTunes server but it doesn’t.
Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated!!
In simple terms the iTunes server on the My Cloud will stream audio (no video) to iTunes software/apps on the local network. The My Cloud User Manual explains it as follows:
iTunes Overview
You or anyone connected to the My Cloud device can use iTunes to play stored music files. iTunes creates a virtual music library on the device and treats it as an iTunes repository, making it possible to stream music files from the My Cloud device to Windows or Mac computers running iTunes.
iTunes scans any shares that have the Media Serving setting enabled, including the Public share by default.
Yes. Correct. The iTunes media server is meant for using the iTunes software/app. The Twonky media server uses the DLNA standard, of which there are many DLNA clients (software and mobile apps) that can stream media (video, audio, pictures) from the My Cloud.
The approach I have taken is to change the setting in iTunes on my laptop to point directly to the folder on my NAS drive where I store all my music. Note that this is different to just adding a folder to the library. By doing this it means that the iTunes folder where iTunes stores it’s database, apps, music, videos, etc will be on the NAS instead of on my local PC.