Tried several times via Dashboard from version 02.42.03-027 (5x) always getting the same error: update failed.
this is from the update.log:
A reboot is required for the upgrade to take effect.
postinst complete. 18:35:09:failed 200 “invalid firmware package”
Error fw_update_status: failed 200 “invalid firmware package”
found this ?solution? in the Forum:
The error message 31101 - Invalid firmware package occurs while upgrading the My Book Live (FW 02.41.05-034 or higher) using the Twonky or Access patch available in the Windows 8 - Switching between TwonkyMedia and WD’s DLNA Media Server section of Answer ID 5735: How to update the firmware on a My Book Live.
This issue occurs when the file name of the patch is different from the name given to the file by WD.
Make sure the name of the file is exactly the same as the file downloaded. Once the file is renamed, run the upgrade process again and the error should not occur.
but i downloaded the firmware update via the Dashboard…i dont think this is a “naming” problem
Logged onto GUI, Install and Reboot … all updated smoothly.
However … now I cannot map to any of the shares on MBL ( from Windows 7 )
Little bit of testing … Logged onto to GUI and created new public share, which maps correctly. Changed Share to Private, and get an “Error 33114 - Error Updating Share access privileges: You are not authorized to perform this task”.
Retried Change to Private, and went through ok.
Tried mapping to share, but get Windows Security dialog box, asking for Network Password ( user name and password ).
Tried all credentials, but none work … created new user on MBL with access to share … tried to map to share with these new credentials … nothing just keeps asking for User name and Password.
Gave up with that one, so moved on to existing Shares and only way to successfully map them was to change them all from Private to Public shares.
Not ideal, but havent lost any data … hopefully some advice or fix soon …
After my update I can no longer access my public share or private shares using the hostname. If I use the IP I can access the private shares, but still not the public shares.
After my update I can no longer access my public share or private shares using the hostname. If I use the IP I can access the private shares, but still not the public shares.
Please help!
That has nothing to do with the firmware. The firmware doesn’t have a clue whether you’re using a hostname or IP to access it. Something has happened to your computer and its ability to do NetBIOS name resolution.
After my update I can no longer access my public share or private shares using the hostname. If I use the IP I can access the private shares, but still not the public shares.
Please help!
That has nothing to do with the firmware. The firmware doesn’t have a clue whether you’re using a hostname or IP to access it. Something has happened to your computer and its ability to do NetBIOS name resolution.
Of course it does. It worked absolutly fine before the update was applied yesterday. Don’t tell me that. I can access the UI just fine using the hostname. The update screwed the samba server somehow. Regardless of the hostname, why can I not access my original Public share? If I create a new Public share I can access that one. I can’t browse the the server and view all the shares, I can only access with the full paths.
Don’t tell me that. I can access the UI just fine using the hostname.
Accessing the UI doesn’t use NetBIOS name lookup… it uses ordinary DNS and/or mDNS. That’s a whole different mechanism.
pclarke wrote:…why can I not access my original Public share? If I create a new Public share I can access that one. I can’t browse the the server and view all the shares, I can only access with the full paths.
I don’t know. What does Windows tell you is the reason? What error do you get?
pclarke, have you tried rebooting both the NAS and your computer?
I’m using OSX through out the house and the iMac and MacBook, both lost access to the shares after the update. Both have been rebooted as well as my router and NAS.
I mentioned samba, as isn’t that what runs the shares on the NAS?
The NAS supports Samba, AFP, and NFS, and supports all three concurrently.
As to which it’s using, it depends entirely on how you’re connecting to the share.
Ahh ok. makes sense. So further testing looks like samba is actually ok then. opening the server smb://hostname works but it’s the afp:// that’s actually broken it looks like… which I spose is OSX’s default protocol which is why browsing to the share in finder fails…
I guess the Avahi daemon much have been updated perhaps? Restarting it makes no difference…