Need to externally mount encrypted EX2 Ultra RAID 1 drive(s)

Hello. I have a MyCloud EX2 Ultra with 2x 16TB in RAID 1 (Mirror) and encrypted. I need to mount one (or both if needed) in an external enclosure and retrieve the data. I have my LUKS encryption key.

What would be the best approach to retrieving data from one (or both if needed) drives? Should I first switch the RAID mode to JBOD in the user interface, and if I switch from RAID 1 to JBOD will it want to format the drives after switching or will I lose data in the process of switching?

I’ve searched high and low for info specific to this scenario and have come up empty.

Thank you!

I presume your box is able to read the disk, of so then it should be readable with the key

Ok, so the best approach would be to simply pull one of the 2 drives that are part of the RAID 1 MyCloud EX2, insert it into the external USB Enclosure, connect it to the Ubuntu machine, and Ubuntu should ask for the key to mount it? I’ve never done this, and I don’t want any data loss, that’s why I’m asking.

Thank you!

I removed one of the two drives form the MyCloud and connected them to a Ubuntu computer, the drive shows in the Disks app, but there are 4 partitions and the large partition where the data is says “16TB Linux Raid Member”. No option to mount it or do anything with it. Any suggestions?

any reason you can’t just use the provided USB backup app and place the data
on a a USB disk like a My book external unit via the USB port

There are at least 2 USB ports available

I did have to split my backups and use to to fit on my 4 TB external drives and over time move to 6 and 8 TB drives.

Thanks for the reply. No reason I can’t, I’m transferring over ethernet now but I’d prefer not to: EX2 Ultra’s lack of hardware decrypt/encrypt makes max transfer speeds dismal at best, I cap out at ~50MBps for single/large files regardless if over Ethernet or USB and it pegs the EX2’s CPU at 100%. Throw a bunch of small files in there and it slows down to a crawl. I have 13TB worth of data to move and over USB would take 3-4 days+ so I’m trying to find another (faster) solution by using a PC. Plus these run super HOT under load.