Greetings all, I’ve just recently picked up one of these wd tv live hubs with the 1tb hd and I’m trying to soak in all this information provided on these forums though I have a few questions I’d like to clear up if someone wouldn’t mind helping out.
My main and only purpose for this box is to hold all my video’s for easy friendly viewing with the TV.
I currently have my hub’s frameware updated to v2.08.13 and in the progress of dumping all my videos onto the hub.
Theme related
- I didn’t have a “wd_tv/theme” folder on my hub, so it’s ok to just make one and drop the themes into that?
General organizing
- From what I understand is that video’s can only be one folder deep, or I can’t have a video in a folder that’s in a folder.
So they must be something like this.
-TV Series(folder)
- Is there any other tips or recomendations/stuff I should know or keep in mind?
Thanks for all the help