Need Help with SMART Data

I wasn’t exactly sure where to post this but here goes. Below I’ve attached a picture that I’m need help with. I removed my MyClouds drive out and ran WD Lifeguard because I’ve been having trouble with bad sectors.

I’m not really understanding if the current value of reallocated sector count is the value under Value, Threshold, or Worst. If anyone can clarify on this I would appreciate it.

I’m doing all of this because a few days ago the content / data volume failed to mount do to a bad sector. I’ve since then recovered my data and gotten the device to work as it would. But I need to know whether I can trust the drive before I start using it again. If it was just one bad sector I’m okay with it but if its 200 sectors that have been reallocated then I need to know so I can replace the drive.

It’s just sad since I got the device 5 months ago via an RMA, a second RMA is out of the picture since its now “Out of Limited Warranty”.

I’d finally like to add that I’ve performed both the quick and extended tests and both passed.


Keep an eye on the drive and try testing it once a week to see if the issue persist.

Also, check the transfer speed on the unit to see if you are getting any error.