Mycloud iphone app can't connect to MyCloud

Once again, I find that I am unable to connect to MyCloud the way I think the manuals and websites say i should be able to!

I just downloaded and installed the iPhone app. No problems. I logged in successfully. It started to auto transfer pics from my iphone to the folder i created on MyCloud within the app, and after showing a list of pics it was transferring, it suddenly displayed a message on my phone saying Mycloud was unavailable; local documents were available. Then nothing. Nothing I did there or on my desktop connected at all. I couldn’t even connect via File Explorer to the dashboard. I am starting to get very annoyed at this entire device. What do I do next?


  1. When you installed the MC app, it told you on the opening screen that your iPhone must remain connected to network at all times for transfers; but it is not, and here is why down below.

  2. If you had searched this exact forum you posted in and searched for some key words related to your issue, you would have found the solution to your issue: