I have a home network with 5 computers on it, I just got the My Cloud EX2 Ultra and I can access it on 2 of the 5 computers. I have done the internet protocol check, I have check the sharing, I can see it under storage but it coming up with Windows cannot access drive. It is set to a static drive so I am trying to access it through its IP address. I have mapped the drive to no avail and some other things as well. I am at a loss at this point. Yes they are all running windows 10, yes they are all updated to the same software, Yes I have unplugged and restarted everything and then plugged the drive in only to have it only recognized again on the same two computers. I will say that one of the computers is mine and the other is my sons. No i don’t have any tracking programs or anything else. they all have the same settings for virus protection. I can see all of the computers on my network as well.
Please Help!!
See the dedicated EX2 subforum where people more knowledgeable with that device may be able to assist.
Also check to ensure SMB1.0/CIFS is enabled within Windows 10. Microsoft may have disabled it with a recent update.
How to Enable SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support on Windows 10
Yea I already check the SMB before I posted here…I have no idea what is different between computers but its something.