I have an old WD MyBook which is faulty.
For years the drive has been noisy (rumbles when writing), and has more recently disconnected itself when writing.
Not having used it for many months, a couple of days of go I installed a Mac OS on it, since when it no longer mounts (recognised by System Profiler, but not Disk Utility) when connected to a Mac.
When first plugged-in, the drive spins and whines and the heads click onto it and then away (10-second video at https://youtu.be/_Du0BNZsrtQ).
I suspect the drive is the problem, but I don’t know how to be sure.
If it’s the drive, I’m wondering about a suitable replacement… although the price comparison of bare drive to a new unit makes it perhaps not worth doing.
But if it’s the electronics, and the drive isn’t the issue, I’d like to know.