Mybook 8TB external drive - thumping noise and vibration

Just purchased a 8TB MyBook and installed it last night. I heard a thumping noise as it operated and when I place my hand on the unit would also feel the vibration at each thump. I assume it is the heads moving back and forth as data was being written. However I am concerned that this will lead to a disk failure. I have never felt that “strength” of a thump on any of the externals I own… Ant thoughts? I am concerned about adding any additional data at this time. next step will be to run the diagnostics suite and see if I get any errors .

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Hi TX14930,

You should have a look at the link given below.

I have just bought a WD mybook 12tb and this does the same. I am sure though that it didnt do it at all before I installed the discovery software. When I first plugged it in I was surprised at how quiet it was during finding it a space on my desk. Now it thuds all the time even when usb not attached just power. : (

This link returns an error. Hopefully there is an updated answer somewhere. I am having the exact problem as the poster, thumping every 5 seconds and a vibration felt. New hard drive, installed just fine and is recognized. Ack!!!

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