My Passport Ultra didn't update/add new files to back-up - help!

Hi there,

In May, I backed up my laptop using my new WD My Passport Ultra. Today, October 31st, I attempted to back everything up again. Despite spending a long time preparing to back up, and then apparently doing a back up, I can’t see that anything has changed at all, i.e. no new files or folders have been added to the back up.

I’ve just done a quick online search and apparently other people have been having this problem with WD products for years (which is incredible as WD are supposed to be a quality company).

Does anybody know of a solution please? Or do I simply have to delete everything I backed up before and then do a whole new back up?

Thanks in advance!

Hello, my first input.
Yes, very poor instructions. I recently backed up lots of pics but when I go to retrieve them they do not appear on the retrieve box. If we look at our laptop folder list, My passport will show at the bottom, and expanding My Passport will give a list of all pics - the newly backed up ones NOT there.
At least something shows here whereas on the retrieve box -NOthing.
However , if we look at the list there is something named WD Backup-swstor.
Under that is user, under that is Volume, and under that is pictures.
They WERE there after all! But nothing like the simple solution I expected - thought they would appear in retrieve box.