"My Passport Ultra" 3TB drive has a problem with WIndows 10

The Topic is not in the list. The drive I am writing about the 3TB My Passport Ultra USB 3.0 drive that I bought in 2015. It worked great with Windows 7. I got a new computer loaded with Windows 10 and now I have a list of problems.

On my Windows 10 new computer, sometimes I can read and write files. But often the computer freezes during reading and writing and I have to shut down the computer to free up the freeze. A couple of times the drive has become corrupted. And Windows 10 seems unable to check the drive for errors and reports that the drive is bad. However, when I take the drive to my Windows 7 computer I am able to check the drive just fine and correct errors.

As a temporary solution I have moved this drive to my Windows 7 computer which can read and write to it just fine. I am sharing it on the Windows 7 computer and I mapped a drive on the Windows 10 computer pointing to it. With this setup I am able to read and write the drive from my Windows 10 computer with no problem.

I because of my problems with this drive I am suspecting that there is a BIOS incompatibility of this My Passport Ultra drive with Windows 10 because I can’t figure any other reason for this problem. Does anyone know if WD has issued a BIOS upgrade for Windows 10 for this drive?


The Passport ultra should work without any issues with your Windows 10. I recommend you try some basic troubleshooting:…

1- if possible try formatting the drive on the Windows 10 computer. Please have in mind that formatting the drive will delete all data stored in it.

2- make sure your Windows 10 computer has all Windows updates.

3- try replacing the drive’s USB cable.

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The drive was formatted on the Windows 10 computer already. The USB cable is not the issue. For some reason the WD driver for this drive is not capable of managing the drive in Windows 10.

Windows 10 is not able to do the following without crashing: 1. check the drive for errors, 2. read the drive; 3. write the drive. The drive has been checked for errors in Windows 7 and shows no problem.

If there is not a different WD driver for this drive for Windows 10, then I will just put WD on my list of companies not to buy any new drives from.

I suppose I could ask for a replacement; but no other drive I have has had this problem. I am not sure I would want another WD replacement. I called WD support, and they gave me the run-around; not sympathetic or concerned at all - just sent some links from their website. They said there was a driver there, but I only see the SES driver which I don’t need (according to WD). I expect more concern since the drive is still under warranty.


We have passed this along to support. Someone will contact you soon.

Hey I have the Same problem with my passport ultra 3 Tb… sometimes the driver can’t read in my laptop which is windows 10…before that it’s ok.