Hello- I have a Passport Ultra 2TB and it’s connected via USB. I’ve had it for about six months and it’s always been a little slow to recognize and show up. But now it’s not showing up at all. I’ve been reading all the forums and posts and haven’t really found a solution. I’ve tried it on several of my Macs and the unlocker will pop up and I can go through that process but the drive never shows up. I am running OS X 10.9.5. Sadly I don’t have this data backed up. I was using this drive to jump between my Macs and kept all my work photos and vidoes on this device. Needless to say this will be a pretty big disaster for me if I can’t figure out a solution. Any tips, tricks??? Please help!!!
Have you tried with another USB cable?
Yes, I’ve tried another USB with no luck. The unlocker pops up and I can unlock the drive then that’s it. The light blinks and it sounds like it’s working but it never shows up in Finder. It does show up in Disk Utility. I’ve added a screen capture of my disk utility. I named it “SCOUT TB” which is showing up gray. What are the chances I can save and retreive this information on this extermal drive? Thanks and any help will be GREATLY appreciated. Or if you think it would be better I can call support but I thought I might get more opinions and options here. I don’t care if this external drive never works again as long as I can get the data off and saved somewhere else.
I don’t want to “repair” until I understand if this means I can get my data off this drive. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have a MyCloud and I should’ve been backing up more regularly but I travel a lot for work and have been racking up a ton of data without being able to back up on my other external drive which is in my Office. {MyCloud}. This drive was really pricey and I’m shocked it failed so easily. HELP!
Well, there is NO RESOLUTION FOR THIS PROBLEM!! BUYERS BEWARE!!! The Passport Ultra is a very faulty device. And it has been for years! Apparently if your drive comes unplugged by accident just one time the whole device becomes trashed. {It might as well be trashed as it needs to be reformatted meaning I lose ALL MY DATA} This is an ON GOING ISSUE for several years and it hasn’t been fixed by WD.
I’ve talked to WD support, Mac Support and some data retrieval specialists. I’ve had my device for six months and it was accidentally disconnected from the USB on Friday. Now it only shows up in disk utility and won’t mount. I ran it through “Verify Disk” then “Repair Disk”. WD’s only solution is to REFORMAT THE DRIVE??? Are you serious? That’s why we buy your product… Because we use it for VALUABLE data!! I can’t lose this data! So that isn’t a solution. Yes, I should’ve backed it up… I have a My Cloud but I’ve been traveling and backing up my video and photography on this Passport Ultra 2TB. I was going to do a full back up this week.
ONE TIME it comes unplugged from my MAC and now I have to pay over $600 for a third party to try and retrieve this data. WD should offer a free service for this since this drive is such a delicate and easy to destroy device. It is ridiculous that this has been an ongoing problem for years {Now that I read more} and no solution to this. I paid a lot of money for this device and it comes unplugged from the USP cable one time and now it’s corrupted?!?!?! That is unbelievable. I would suggest taking this device off the market. What a disappointment.
Meant USB cable not USP.