Got home the other night and found out a power surge happened and killed a couple things; garage door opener, Ring doorbell, WD My Cloud Home, DTV receiver, and my fiber optic modem. Got all fixed except the My Cloud Home. It wouldn’t power up, looks like the board was toast. Anyway, I tore it apart and have the HDD sitting here on my desk. Did some research and loaded up Linux File Systems for Windows by Paragon Software. I am able to plug the HDD into my desktop and using the Linux File System software I was able to find where the pictures and video are stored. Looks like they are all on Local Disk (K)/restsdk/data/files and folders 2-7 and a-z.
The thing is the file names are not associated with anything recognizable. Is there a software package out there that will scan this drive an associate names and file types so I can copy them over to my Win10 machine and get all the pictures and videos back? I’ve been looking for a while and I am not finding anything. Help? It’s roughly a TB of pics and videos of the grand kid going back to when he was born in 2015. Here is what the file names look like.
Thank you.