My Cloud Home (older version)

HI, I wonder if anyone can help me? I have the older version of My Cloud Home (about 7 years old or more), but it gradually became totally inaccessible and is now unfindable on my Network. I have tried to contact it by starting from the setup, but setup looks for a security code which is not on the box, and I have no documentation with a security code. So I am stuck with years of saved photos and stuff, but no way of getting them. It seems that one cannot contact WD for help so I’m wondering if anyone else can?

Do you have a My Cloud Home or a My Cloud device? They are not the same. The My Cloud Home has a different set of features/options than the My Cloud line. This subforum (My Cloud) generally discusses the single bay/single drive My Cloud device.

Single bay/single drive My Cloud:

My Cloud Home:

If you have a My Cloud Home see the dedicated subforum for the My Cloud Home.

Have you already tried the link at the bottom right of this page, Contact WD