My Cloud - Can't Connect to Device - Device's Security Certificate


I’m having problems to connect to my Device (WD PR4100) through My Cloud Website by the browser. It appears a screen showing that it can’t connect to Device and 3 options to fix it. The third option is “Accept you device’s security certificate” and when I do it, i can connect. The problem is that every person who tries to connect, in every single computer, has this issue, that is not so simple to solve for those who doesn’t know so much using the computer. Is there any definitive way to solve this issue and in any computer the security certificate be recognized as safe automatically?

A printscreen of the problem:

Thanks in advance!

@guilhermemoura You may find someone who can help you with your problem if you go back to the WD Community and post in the Network Attached Storage forum and place this topic in the sub-forum for your device.

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@cat0w I edited the post and placed this topic in the Network Attached Storage forum, My Cloud Pro Series sub-forum!

Thanks for the tip!