My Cloud 4TB doesn't show files in dashboard, Twonky server or Windows Media player

Hi guys!

My devices works fine as beeing seen easily over the network. I can access files. But I cannot stream.

On the dashboard, it finds no media files.

The Twonky server doesn’t find any files, even if there are actually files.

I have Windows 7 remote clients on my network, and when opening Windows Media Player, I see the Twonky server for the device, but no files inside.

My router is dlink dir-655.

Can you help me?


Have you gone into the Dashboard and set everything up under the Settings tab?

Looking at Settings>Media be sure Streaming is ON, if no media is showing click on Rescan.

Check each share to see if Media Serving is on, if you want it on for that share.

Clicking on the Help (?) icon will provide more information.

Posted by,
cat0w (USA)

At the very least, I would like to see in the dashboard the number of music track, video and pictures. I tried multiple format for video, my pictures are jpeg. I don’t understand why dashboard and Twonky don’t recognize content.

Would it be something related to router? Maybe streaming uses a port that has to be opened.

How can we explain this?

When you look at a share do you have media serving on?

Posted by,
cat0w (USA)