Movies from Plex stops every few seconds

Hello everyone,

Y have a few movies in my personal storage on My Clod Home, and linked with my Plex account.

The problem is when I try to play the movie trough Plex the movie stops, loads, play a few seconds and stops again.

It’s like there’s no conexion but internet is running OK.

Do you know how its going on?


Hi @cbt95,

Please refer to the article My Cloud Home: Enable and Configure Plex Media Server

Hi! ThankYou for your answer.

I readed the whole article and it doesn’t mention my problem

I have the same problem Plex movies are buffering every minute. Even when I transferring files to My Cloud Home, it’s pending from zero to 90 MB/s in every 5 second. Something with this update is charge the load to the CPU on My Cloud Home?

Download the debug_logs.tar which will show the state of the HDD in smartctl log, whether there are errors in the HDD and separately the Plex logs which will show other network and transcoding errors.

The MCH is a light duty personal storage that is less likely to be durable much longer than the 2 year warranty when used as a heavy duty server in business or media. It is the property of the SMR HDD found in most MCHs.

How can I download the debug_logs.tar ?

It may be a lot easier to search for the topic

Plex has many active subforums for trouble shooting their media server on NAS, this for example

Thank you!!

I noticed that if I use Plex throught Kodi, I can watch the movies without interruptions…so weird…



Anyone have the same problem?