MBL not visible on network

For the last couple of days, my device hasn’t been showing on my network for any of my computers.

I’ve rebooted everything.

I’ve checked firewalls and nothing shows it being blocked.

The dashboard is inaccessible.

I tried the WD Link software and the discovery software and it wasn’t found.

All computers still recognize the Twonky server and play the files, so I know the drive still works.

Hello, have you tried pressing the reset button for 4 seconds? 

That didn’t work either. I also tried:

Accessing the dashboard using 129.25.676.30 as an address

Plugging into a different port on the router.

Plugging directly into the computer.

Nothing makes the drive show up. The router doesn’t list it either, but all of my computers see the Twonky server with the old IP address. So I can access the media files in a clumsy way, but I can’t see any other files.

Hi again, have you tried connecting the My Book Live to another PC? If the problem continues, the unit would appear to be faulty, check the link below for the steps to create an RMA replacement number. 

How to get an RMA, (Return Merchandise Authorization) or replace a defective product under warranty 

Unfortunately, I’m out of warranty, and don’t think I’d trust sending a drive with personal files to anyone for repair. I just need a way that I can trust to be able to recover everything on the drive and copy it to a new one. I already have a new MyCloud unit configured and running. Not sure why I’m trusting another WD unit, but I already made the purchase.

hmmm where did you get 129.25.676.30 from? That looks so wrong in some many ways…

Good, don’t trust you only single copy to ANY single device, period. Whatever that might be…

Backup backup backup  http://howto.cnet.com/8301-33088_39-57556308/digital-storage-basics-part-3-backup-vs-redundancy/

It was listed in the user manual as an address to connect to the dashboard if the usual method failed. It may be an address reserved.

That’s just an example, suggesting you type the address of YOUR MBL. The 676 in their example isn’t a valid number…

I’ve tried the drive’s normal IP address. Not found. The only thing that works is to add :9000 to it which connects to the port reserved for the Twonky protocol. (Which lets me access the media files in a limited way, but nothing else.)

what is that IP? it has to be in the 192.168.x.x. range.

and how exactly you are trying to access it? How exactly you are accessing it for :9000?

len_morlock wrote:

I’ve tried the drive’s normal IP address. Not found. The only thing that works is to add :9000 to it which connects to the port reserved for the Twonky protocol. (Which lets me access the media files in a limited way, but nothing else.)

Eeek.   That’s not good.

If x.x.x.x:9000 works but x.x.x.x doesn’t, that kinda sounds like it’s “Half-Bricked.”   The webserver running the UI is completely separate from the Twonky webserver

Just for giggles, try these combinations:



If NEITHER of those work, then the webserver that runs the UI is dead.   

Nope. Those two come back not found. I’m thinking something in the OS got corrupted, but not the data on the drives.