Mapping a MyCloudEX2Ultra device to my file explorer from outside of my network

Hi, the name is pretty much it. How can I map my MyCloudEX2Ultra as a network drive outside of my local network? also, I may not have used the correct category for this post.


Hi @EthanR ,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

You definitely can map a NAS drive to a PC when outside your home network.

It does, however, require a VPN connection into your network.
Once you establish a VPN network connection; then you will have full network access to your entire network.

There are many nuances here;

  1. You will be limited by your ISP upload speeds
  2. Your VPN computer will likely assigned an IP address in a different subnet than the internal devices. The only hitch I have seen relates to name resolution. (i.e. you need to address NAS by IP address, not the friendly-device-name