MAC - How do you power down MyCloud NAS?

This is driving me nuts.

I used to be able to power down via Quick View but a recent update has ‘lost’ my drive.

I am sure somewhere inside this mac is a plist or other configuration file that I can edit to see the drive again.

Im running up to date versions of firmware mac OSX 10.13.1

WD has a Knowledgebase article detailing how to shutdown each version of the single bay My Cloud.

How to Shutdown a My Cloud Device | WD Support

There are ways to use SSH to shutdown a My Cloud as well. One can use the forum search feature, magnifying glass icon upper right, to find numerous past discussions on how to shut down the My Cloud using SSH.

I need instructions for mac

If the WD Quick View program won’t see the My Cloud, first troubleshooting step is to uninstall the software. Then reboot the computer, then reinstall the WD Quick View program and see if it recognizes the My Cloud and will shut it down.

WD Quick View for Mac:

SSH is universal. One can use their favorite search engine to learn more on how to use SSH and issue SSH commands for their operating system. For example…

More on using SSH to issue the shutdown command for second gen v2.x single bay My Cloud units:

Was unable to perform an orderly shutdown of the cloud drive and we experienced a power cut.
After power came back on the disk was completely corrupted and I have now lost everything, live files, backups, years of music - everything.
I ma told by Apple that the application needed to be recompiled by Western Digital to provide a true 64 bit version of quick view.

Why didn’t you have your data backed up? Any HDD can fail, at any time, therefore, you need to have data stored on at least two devices.

FYI, this is a customer forum; you are not talking to WD staff.

One thing that really irritates me is people who are so smug and think they have an answer. The WD drive is marketed with Apple Time Machine installed. It is a backup device

The Apple Time Machine program is not installed on the My Cloud. The Time Machine program is installed on the Macintosh computer. What the My Cloud does is support being a backup target for the Time Machine program on the Macintosh computer. The My Cloud is, at it’s core, a network attached storage device (NAS).

Currently WD states the following with respect to Time Machine: “… and the My Cloud drive is compatible with Apple Time Machine for Mac users.”

Like any other hard drive the internal hard drive within the My Cloud can (and sometimes does) fail. It is why WD includes the Safepoint / Backup feature within the My Cloud Dashboard so users, if they choose to enable/configure that option, can have a backup of their My Cloud data (typically to a USB hard drive attached to the My Cloud USB port).

If one has mission critical data, using a multi bay My Cloud or similar NAS with RAID support is typically the better option as they offer data redundancy (depending how the RAID is configured) than the single bay NAS drives do.

If one needs information on how to shut down a My Cloud device, WD has a Support Knowledgebase article covering the official way(s) of shutting the device down.

As I said previously, it irritates me when responses from the high and mighty state text been material and yet defend substandard products

Sorry if stating the reality of things is irritating to you. No one here (as we’re all end users such as yourself) are defending WD or the My Cloud. The device has it’s (numerous) issues that have been long complained about (by me included) including the inability to properly shut down the My Cloud.

While of no comfort to someone who has already lost data, one can learn from the misfortune and bad experience of others (including the high and mighty on this subforum) and setup additional backups of their data. Use Safepoint / Backup or other methods to backup the My Cloud. If possible have Time Machine backup the Mac to another location/drive besides the My Cloud. Even the high and mighty were inexperienced/uninformed once and have lost data due to drive failure (or power outage).

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