Is there any other server could I download firmwares?

the official download links listed in the following doc seems don’t work:

When I tried to download anyone firmware in the above doc, I got response as below:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.


Access Denied



Please note that all of the information and links in that post are for the single bay My Cloud models, not multi bay My Cloud models like the EX2 series. Note the following warning from that post:

Note: These directions and files are for OS3 single bay My Cloud units ONLY!!!

Thanks for your remind. seems I should download

But it is not available as well,
Does anyone could kindly send me a copy or tell me where I could get one?


Thanks, but that link is very slow here, or even doesn’t work at all,
Could I get it anywhere else?

Thank you very much! I got it finally and updated my box successfully.
That’s fantastic!