Maybe this is a stupid question, but can someone tell me how to find out if I have a Gen 1 or Gen 2 MCM?
Enable SSH and run this command:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
If processor = Mindspeed Comcerto C2000 - This is Gen1 device.
Marvell Armada 375 - Is Gen2 device.
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I have a Marvell Armada-370, not 375. Is it a Gen2 device too?
I am asking because I want to install the BT Sync app ( but when installing via the UI I get an error to check my connection. That’s strange, because I am connected…
That is a gen 1
Hm, too bad
Thanks for your reply!
Oh, sorry, my mistake. I wrote difference betwee WDMyCloud gen1/gen2, not Mirror.
For WDMC Mirror:
Gen1: Armada 370
Gen2: Armada 380 (or 385… Not sure)