I have been trying to connect my Mac (mountain lion) to my Live Hub to install a theme. All I have is an Ethernet cord to connect from the Mac to the Hub however I can’t get them to see each other.
I found some info about creating a Static IP for the Hub and for the Macs Ethernet port and I have tried with no success. I’m actually very technically savvy so the fact I haven’t figured this out is very upsetting. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have discovered the answer. I ended up doing something I partially didn’t want to do but it works great. I connected the WD Hub to my router. Connected wirelessly to it. Opened terminal, since its based off a Unix system I used the command: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
So hidden files show in finder. Restarted my computer and reconnected as an admin to the Hub and did a search for .wd_tv
After installing the theme and verifying it worked on the hub I entered this command into terminal: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
And restarted my computer to hide the files again, and if anyone knows an easier way I’m open to trying it out still.
The Captain