Incremental Backup is done as full backup

i have implemented a internal backup on WD My Cloud in inremental format. We are talking of approx 70 GByte…what i now get is a full backup for every intervall i have confgured (i have now several folders with 70Gig (one for each backup)). i have expedted that just the new und different files are saved.

is this a bug or a wrong expectation from my side?

If you are talking about Safepoint backups, they are not incremental (See below)

To do an incremental backup you need a backup package that specifically supports incremental backups.


About Safepoints
My Cloud lets you create a complete backup or snapshot of your device, called a safepoint, and save it to an external location on your home network—on another NAS drive, an available share, or USB drive.