Safepoint format

I am considering buying a MyCloud, and I wanted to know in advance whether, if the MyCloud device broke down, any Safepoint backups can be read and files retrieved from other devices not running the special software?  Or is the format of the backup very proprietory so that I would have to get a new MyCloud in order to gain access to the files saved in the Safepoint?

Yes you can view and retreive individual files/folders. Rsync is the program used to perform safepoint backups.

Thank you :)

Oh…  The safepoints are incremental aren’t they?  So none of the backup files/folders will be complete and I will have to kind of “stitch them back together” incrementally if I want to restore the entire lot, wont I?  Is there a tool to do that other than manually?

Presumably it’s better to also occasionally take a complete snapshot backup?