Impossibile accedere fuori rete wifi

Ciao a tutti.
Ho Mycloud 3Tb. Non riesco più ad accedere ai miei dati quando sono fuori casa. Potete aiutarmi? Grazie

There has been a disruption in the access feature of the My Cloud since March 10, 2020.

One workaround is to enable FTP and access the My Cloud using FTP software. Note that FTP is not a secure method of access and one will have to setup port forwarding of the FTP port in the router the My Cloud is connected to. There are various unofficial methods of remote access, all require some additional setup or firmware modification. SFTP and VPN are two such options for secure remote access.

Grazie per la risposta.
Allora quando potrò usare il mio Mycloud fuori casa?

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No way to know for sure as we’re mostly end users here. Best suggestion if you are using the WD My Cloud apps or web portal is to keep an eye on the above thread/discussion, as it was posted by WD itself, for updates. And periodically try accessing your My Cloud remotely to see if WD has fixed the issue on their end.

Ciao Bennor,
ancora non riesco ad accedere da remoto al mycloud.
Se sono sotto rete wifi (la stessa del mycloud) riesco benissimo ad accedere.
Quando mi connetto fuori casa al mycloud non riesco ad accedere.
Hai qualche novità in merito?
I tecnici stanno ancora lavorando?

I am an end user like yourself. I can only assume that WD has their people working on this issue. So far all we end users know is that WD Support is aware of remote access being down due to issues on WD’s end. Keep an eye on the numerous other discussions on the remote access issue and the pinned threads at the top of the subforum for any possible updates.