I have just bought a WD caviar green 1.5TB HD and it seems to think it is a floppy drive, ahhhhhh

I have recently bought a WD caviar green 1.5TB HD and filled it with 500GB of things on a friends XP machine where it worked perfectly. Now that I have installed it in my home pc in both XP and Windows7 64bit boot the OS claims it is a empty floppy disk drive.

AHHHHHHHHHHH can someone please help

Umm… are you sure you aren’t just looking at the empty floppy drive that was there before, and the system just does not see the caviar at all?

not a chance I do not have a floppy drive

what does it show up in the bios?

what does it show up in device manager?

what does it show up in compmgmt.msc?

what does it show up in explorer / my computer?

in my computer it would seems to be a floppy drive and in the device manager it says under Disc drives that I have my boot drive and a WDC WD15EADS-00S2B0 ATA Device and it claimes to be working properly

did it give it the drive letter A?

do you have the floppy controller disabled in the bios?

what happens when you change the drive letter in compmgmt.msc / disc management?

WOOOOt I just right click the unknown storage device in compmgmt.msc and selected import foreign data or something and it seems to work perfectally

thanks I was hardly aware of compmgmt.msc but it will be my first call from now on

glad i could help, kudos me if you want (that star to the left, under my name)


sure np