I can't delete partition or format MY Passport 1TB


I have my own 1TB WD My passport , for some reason it is not detected any more after windows update under my Computer Windows 7 .

I delete the driver from Device Manager and reconnect the driver and re-isntall a new version 

When I go to my computer \ Manage \ disk managemnet it show as Disk 1 when I try to format or delete volume it freez and nothing happend

The light is ON on my HD and I can hear the sound of the drive is working fine 

PLease help to reformat / delete the partition to regain access to the drive 

 just try my MAC and connect same H/D on my MAC and it work great and I can access all my data and files on MAC but when I connect it to my PC is not recognize 

Do you know what filesystem you used when formatting? Windows default NTFS is read-only on OS X, not read-and-write, and Windows computers can’t even read Mac-formatted HFS+ drives. You may want to format with exFAT  to make sure the drive is compatible with both if your going to be moving it back and forth between the two. If you still have trouble formatting the drive in windows you may want to try a different usb port or disable antivirus. Another idea is try it on another windows machine to help decide if the issue may be something on your computer.
