How to unlock Wd My Book Essentials

I had a movie on pause on Wd Live Plus and when I went back to it it says I have to unlock it.Thing is I never set  a password and when I got the hard drive I reformated it.So I didnt have any of the ■■■■ that came with the drive on there.I want to know how do I figure out the password so that I can unlock it.I downloaded smartware and I am putting in password after password and nothing is happening.I do not want to reformat cause I dont want to lose all of my files that I have since I dont have any back is over 800 gigs of stuff on my hard drive.I would like any help if possible.I do not know what else to do.I dont have a password for it so I cannot unlock it.Please help.


I heard somewhere cannot remember were that there was a problem with an old firmware. I will call the second level support and ask if they can assist, I think there may be a way of unlocking this otherwise I will get it replaced.

For all I will suggest to update the firmware on your drives as soon as you get it to make sure issues like this that were address on new firmwares get fixed before you start using your drives.

Well getting it replaced wont do me any good in getting my files back.I do believe I tried to update firmware at some point but there wasnt on to be had.

I called support and they put me on Level 2 support.Whatever that means.I got a case number and they said call them back in 30 mins.

I called support on the phone and all they could do is send me another one.Hopefully that one will last longer than 2 months.I will never buy a hard drive from this company ever again.Seagate has gotten a new customer.I may sell the hard drive that I will get and then buy a seaget 2 tb drive.Anything that  have password in it or needing of password is useless in a hard drive.Dont need it.I have never had problems with my 500 gb hard drive from WD and it does not have anything to do with passwords.Western Digital failed big time on these hard drives.Now I have lost all files cause of this **bleep**ty drive.I had over 800 gigs of stuff on it that I will never get back.

Can anyone here help me out.I am lost.I dont know what I need to get my files back.I cannot use the third party company to do it since it will cost 149 bucks an hour to do so which I do not have the money to do so.My hard drive does not have a reset button on it to press with paper clip so that not going to help.I have what looks like a power button on the back of it.I press and hold for about 10 to 20 seconds and resets.Still the smartware asks for password.I dont know what to do.I guess all of my files that I been saving for years is lost cause of faulty drive.

Since support is going to replace the drive I will call them and get authorization to open the enclosure and get your files back. Im sure they will help you out since the firmware pretty much broke the drive.

Open the enclosure take the drive out and put it on your computer to get your files back.

Supporting links:

To connect your internal drive to your computer I will use this:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=fw#q=Kingwin+ez-connect+usb+to+sata+ide+adapter&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=435e185a007639bf&hl=en&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3Aofficial&tbm=shop

Make sure to get authorization from 2nd level first before opening the enclosure.

Well I already sent it off so thats not a option for me and I wouldnt know  how to take the enclosure off anyway.