How to extract files log from My Cloud EX2100?

Dear all,

Is there any way to:

  • Get information about files stored on the My Cloud EX2100 (creation date, modification date, files deleted, etc…)
  • Extract Log regarding (at least) file creation? (nb. this can be parsed afterward)
  • Automate file extraction (Save on SMB, send by email, store on accessible partition on WD, etc…)
  • Store scripts that will survive a reboot?

Thanks for any clues!

[EDIT] And I don’t have the option proposed in this thread for my EX2100 (latest firmware)

[EDIT] Nothing relevant in the logs, but I found this SQLite db “wdmc.db” which might be of interest (there’s at least a lastModifiedDate, isDeleted and lastUpdatedDate column).
→ Is there any practical way to extract those information?
→ Otherwhise how to to write a persistent script? so I can copy or mail the db file
(or maybe even better, directly extract new rows)

Since you indicated you are using a EX2100 you may want to post your question to the dedicated My Cloud EX subforum where those more familiar with the EX series may be able to help. Generally this My Cloud subforum tends to be geared towards the single bay low end My Cloud units.