I have a brand new My Cloud Mirror 8TB device and one thing that bothers me is the way Twonky sorts music files. I prefer browsing my music by folder as I use a specific way to sort my music and browsing by artist etc. is just not what I want. So when I browse by folder, for reasons unknown, the Twonky media server sorts the tracks within a folder in alphabetical order, by track title. It is beyond my understanding why anyone would do such a thing. I mean I have propperly tagged all my music files, with track numbers for the sorting and also the filename order goes by the track number, but why the heck is Twonky sorting those files alphabetically?
My problem is, how do I find it? I connect to the device via WinSCP with the sshd user and end up in the root Folder, but there is nothing there, it’s just empty? What am I doing wrong? Anyone can guide me to how to find the xml file?
Edit: Nevermind, I found the file, my problem now is, I’m unable to save the file after editing it? I tried both users sshd and root but I am not able to edit the file or upload a new one. Any idea anyone?
Support for Twonky DNLA Media Server is limited to the settings available and configurable in the My Cloud Dashboard.
We encourage sharing Twonky Media Player issues and solutions on the Twonky Community Forum and the WD Community Forum.
You may want to ask the users on that link for this issue.
Hello peter.g, I appreciate your response though it doesn’t help me much. Asking the users from that link I posted in my initial post is not an option as the post is 5 years old already and Things have changed by then. I will try my luck on the Twonky Community Forum and see if anyone can come up with a solution. If there is one I gladly post it here.
Since 4 years I use 2 WDmyCloud NAS and have changed the view-definitions.xml without problems.
There is nothing todo except replace
In my new PR4100 Nas the view-definitions.xml looks like write protectet, respectively the root password is not welc0me. I have no permissions to change this file.
For the primary use to stream music the edit in the view-definitions.xml is necessary. I use my music files by folder as same as I take a CD out of my rack. Then I put the disc in my player and listen sorted by tracknumber. It is not possible listen a CD sorted by trackname, but nobody need this.
I need help!
Also if you take a look here Search results for 'view-definitions.xml' - WD Community, I don’t understand why WD don’t talk to twonky to ad a few words in the view-definitions.xml. This is the most My Cloud issue I ever read as an HIFI fan.
I gave up on this issue. there’s nothing I can do about it other than to don’t stream my music from the WDMCM. I have sorted my music library in a reasonable way in folders, the way I like it, so that I have my music Collection organized and backed up on the NAS, as playing from those folders is useless. who the heck would want to play their music ordered by track title? that’s just cruel. browsing by Album or by Artist is a pain if you have 100gb of music files, but it looks like the guys from WD/Twonky don’t care about it.
This is a serious issue; in fact, Twonky appears to not even be able to play music in the correct order AT ALL, not even when set to “album”. I tried to listen to a Mahler Symphony (2 Discs in one folder, all correctly tracked, 4 movements divided into many smaller tracks). Twonky just delivers a rambling mess! Whoever had the idea of playing files by track number? It’s like organizing the paragraphs of a novel alphabetically… who’d want to read that?
Is there any alternative that you can install on the WD Cloud, as that is the main reason I bought that thing. In the end, even a mere directory/filename structure would be endlessly preferable to whatever it is that Twonky is delivering.