How Do You Know That Your MyBookLive is Automatically Backing Up

Sorry if this is a dumb question. I have backed up all my files. However, I don’t understand how you know that backups are being done automatically. I can create or edit a file and then check to see if it has been backed up, but is there any notification or other way of having confidence that all is working?

If you are using smartware to backup your files, you can open the smartware GUI and compare the two columns on the backup tab, if they have the same blue blocks, then your backup is complete. If you are using another backup program, then check the manual for the one that you are using. :wink:

 you can also manually check to see what files by opening a command prompt and  typing start \the devices IP address\Smartware 

Example: start \\Smartware

go ahead and substitute the “” for your drives IP address. then hit enter. you maybe asked for your network credentials just type in your username and password that are used for the drive

there should be a window that opens up you’ll see a folder named “WD SmartWare.swstor” in it are all the backup files