Newbie - Unable to Auto Backup

I have a WD MyBookLive 2Tb and am using SmartWare version 1.6.5

Initially, I backed up my internal drives C: D: and E:

I started with Category Backup but then backed up again using File backup  (all files and folders), but I do realise that System files are excluded.

Backup files are stored in MyBookLive/SmartWare/WD SmartWare.swstor and this is fine.

However, there must be a setting that I have not got right, because when I change a file in My Documents for example and save that to my internal drive, the Auto Backup feature does not update the file on my WD MyBook Live.

What am I doing wrong? Any ideas.

when you launch smartware and look at the backup tab, does it show files not yet backed up?  Does the button on the right currently say start backup or stop backup?

There are 5 files that are detailed as “The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process”

There are 3 files that are"Pending Backup", two of these have .pst file extensions(looks like email addresses) and the third is Windows.edb

The lower right button reads “Start Backup”

if  the button says “start backup”, that means that it is not currently running, not looking for new files, and not backing them up.  CLick that button.  It should switch to stop backup, and stay at stop backup.

There have been other issues with backing up pst files, I’m not sure that’s been resolved…maybe outlook keeping a handle in that folder and making it unavailable.

Maybe try making a “backuppst” folder, and copy your pst file to that, where it isn’t touched by outlook anymore.  Then back that up.  That’ll be a manual process, but more just to troubleshoot.